Your First Yoga Practice | Trinity Yoga

Developing Your First Yoga Practice Your first yoga practice requires that you learn to develop and the cultivate a state of peace and calm whilst faced with physical, mental and emotional challenges are the practice of yoga. Choosing to honour yourself through the pursuit of a yoga practice is intelligent and loving. The word yoga … Read more

Childs Pose (Dartihasana) | Trinity Yoga

Childs Pose (Dartihasana) This asana replicates how we all began, in a fetal position – curled into oneself. This is a simple asana if we still have the flexibility of a child; but if not, it is a wonderful pose to begin to surrender into that flexibility.You will see a picture of the asana opposite … Read more

Arms at the Wall Downward Facing Dog | Trinity Yoga

Arms at the Wall Downward Facing Dog Arms-at-the-wall is a modification for the Downward Dog asana if you have a lot of wrist issues. This asana modification is also an excellent way to relieve stress in the shoulders and spine at your office, in the grocery line up, or at home in the kitchen between … Read more